Migrating birds know no boundaries and are arguably the most mobile creatures on Earth, undertaking epic journeys each year.

More than 100 migratory bird species have been recorded in southern Africa, with 44 Palearctic migrant species (Europe, Asia, northern Africa and the northern and central parts of the Arabian Peninsula) and 35 Intra-African migrant species having been recorded in South Africa.

Migratory birds travel very long distances on their annual journeys, sometimes even tens of thousands of kilometres. The survival of migratory birds depends on the availability of well-connected networks or chains of habitats along their migration routes, which are used by birds for refuelling. It is not only the breeding and wintering sites which are important, as these feeding and resting sites also fulfil important roles in the biology of migratory birds.

Conserving migratory birds

As with the recent Amur Falcon success in India, where all illegal trapping was halted through the intervention of the BirdLife partnership in 2013, it is our responsibility to conserve migratory birds at the end of their migration route in South Africa and to lobby with international partners to protect the breeding, stop-over and wintering sites for these species.

Conservation success for Amur Falcons in India

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